Certain older models of Killer Queen cabinets utilize an IPAC Input Board, which mimics the keystrokes of a keyboard and uses them as inputs for the game.
If you ever suspect that your inputs are mixed up or incorrect -- for instance, jumping with Blue Queen's button makes Blue Abs jump, or any other wonky configuration, you can download the free program WinIPAC onto your computer, run your IPAC USB into your computer, and ensure that the controls are properly configured.
The default controls are as follows:
- Blue Queen - A left, F right, D down, space jump
- Blue SkullS - Q left, W jump, E right
- Blue Chex - Z left, X jump, C right
- Blue Stripes - 1 left, 2 jump, 3 right
- Blue Abs - 4 left, 5 jump, 6 right
- Gold Queen - NP4 left, NP6 right, NP2 down, NP8 jump
- Gold Skull - J left, K jump, L right
- Gold Abs - I left, O jump, P right
- Gold Chex - N left, M jump, Comma right
- Gold Stripes - 9 left, 0 jump, - right
This information was provided in a pinch by Jorge from Charlotte. Thanks, Jorge!